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These ministries have the same vision and heart as we do. To see people set free from hurts and wounds and embrace who they are created to be.

Like many parents, we were never handed a parenting handbook on how to raise our five children in a postmodern world. We felt like we were leaving so much up to chance because we really didn't know what to do. We worked hard, went to church and the kids were going to a good school. We still felt inadequate. The world was having a bigger impact on our kids than we were.

Bill & Danielle Ford Founders C2Family

VISION: for every girl with an unplanned pregnancy to have a church to go to for spiritual, emotional and physical support.


MISSION: to inspire and equip the church to love on single and pregnant young women and their families.

We give words to the homeless who are so often hopeless. Why don’t we deliver food? Because words change and even save lives.


Author Tammy Kling has worked with the homeless and hopeless for decades after her own father committed suicide when she was seven. He was not homeless. But he had lost hope.


Our homeless friends tell us; “We get fed five times a day if we want at shelters.” And while those ministries are vital to survival it’s our mission to deliver the power of words.

Jesus said, “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” We believe that! When He said “at hand”, He meant close enough to reach out and take. So why isn’t that all there is? Why isn’t everybody ready to take the Kingdom of God in hand and live a full-throttle life - wide open, face to the wind, no worries, no regrets, no shame, no fear?


Although we are invited to the party, we are too wounded, confused, and in bondage to respond without first experiencing Father’s love and power. Once we have, there are no more excuses.


We are excited to help you uncover, unlock and unleash your heart to discover His love and power in you!!

We exist to show the unconditional love of Christ to women and men who are in the sex industry and to renew and reaffirm hope and a future to them.


We seek to disciple women and men to know their worth. To Encourage, Equip and Empower these women and men.


I truly believe this is more than just a ministry to the dancers, managers, and door guys and girls, but a ministry to each person who chooses to be a part. 


Changing the industry one heart at a time.

© 2017 Broken Crayons Ministries

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